Biden's trip to Vietnam to boost bilateral economic ties
Twenty-eight years after establishing their relations and a decade of comprehensive partnership, Vietnam and the US have achieved all-round development in numerous pillars.
Twenty-eight years after establishing their relations and a decade of comprehensive partnership, Vietnam and the US have achieved all-round development in numerous pillars.
Vietnam will also benefit from 500 million doses of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines that the US pledged to assist the global needs.
The Vietnamese president said the transition must ensure equal access to opportunities and benefits to ensure no one left behind.
The new ambassador to Vietnam has served as career diplomat in Japan, South Korea, and Iraq.
There are only bad omens for the future of ties among the US, China and Russia.
The guidance addresses threats to the world and Washington’s commitments to strengthening alliances.
The US – Vietnam relations have witnessed steady progress over the past 25 years, ranging from politics, foreign policy, to economy and trade, among others.
Donald Trump and Joe Biden each need 270 electoral votes to win the presidency.