Hanoi leaders vow to start building new bridges on May 19Local authorities expect construction to begin sooner than the approved plans.
Prime Minister agrees with Hanoi’s river cleansing ideaHanoi's idea to use Red River's water to clean To Lich River may cost some $22 million.
Hanoi seeks public opinion on enforcement of 2024 Capital LawWith new updates, the Capital Law 2024 is set to enable Hanoi to become the driving force for the entire nation.
Hanoi vice chairman pledges to continue digital transformationDigital applications are key to improving public services in Hanoi.
Hanoi approves US$1 billion fire prevention programCivil servants, government officials and students will be encouraged to attend training courses on fire prevention.
Hanoi's sustainability lies in its culture and people: legal expertsExperts see people and culture as the two foundations for Hanoi's sustainable growth.