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Oct 17, 2024 / 17:08

Ba Dinh District as the heart of Hanoi and Vietnam 70 years after capital liberation

Since the liberation of the capital in October 1954, Ba Dinh District has been home to Party and government offices, international organizations and foreign diplomatic missions.

On the morning of October 10, 1954, the Vietnamese military units advanced into Hanoi from all directions and took over the capital from the French.

 The historic venue, Ba Dinh Square, where the birth of an independent Vietnam was announced. Photo: Thuy Duong/The Hanoi Times

A crowd of some 200,000 cheered and waved the red flag with a yellow star to welcome the triumphant soldiers home.

In the afternoon, thousands of citizens and army units attended a solemn flag-raising ceremony at Cot Co (Flag Tower) Stadium.

The entire city of Hanoi echoed with the anthem of the march, bursting with the joy of liberation and full of gratitude to the Party and beloved Uncle Ho.

Seven years later, Ba Dinh Urban District, the predecessor of Ba Dinh District, was established. On the way to the final victory in 1975, the Party, the Government and the people of Ba Dinh proved their resilience and determination to contribute to socio-economic development and to fight against the invaders.

During the US bombing of the North for twelve days and nights in September 1972, the Party, Government and people of Ba Dinh were determined to defend the capital and contributed to the historic victory of "Hanoi-Dien Bien Phu in the Air".

The image of a woman from Ngoc Ha village watering flowers with the wreckage of a B52 bomber in Huu Tiep Lake in the background has become a symbol of an unparalleled feat in modern world history.

Throughout history, Hanoi has been hailed as the "capital of conscience and human dignity," and Ba Dinh, the heart of the capital, has become the source of faith and hope for the entire nation.

After 63 years of development, the district's Party Committee, government and people have always upheld strong political principles and steadfastly followed the path chosen by the Party and Uncle Ho, said Hoang Minh Dung Tien, Secretary of Ba Dinh District Party Committee.

"At all times and under all circumstances, the district's officials and people have always performed their assigned tasks excellently," he said, noting that the Ba Dinh Party Committee has now grown to 81 local organizations with nearly 19,000 Party members.

"Ba Dinh has become what it is today thanks to the tireless efforts of officials, party members and people under the leadership of the Party Committee and the district government," Tien stressed.

"The Party Committee has matured in all aspects, and has adopted new methods to guide the agencies and the people to make use of their strengths. Our Party units are stronger and healthier, and have become a reliable pillar for the people."

Nguyen Cong Thanh, Deputy Secretary of the Ba Dinh Party Committee and Chairman of its People's Council, said Party building is an important task for the district.

In their development, local Party organizations have been creative in dealing with specific circumstances, he said.

He also emphasized that the political and social organizations in the district have become stronger, which contributes significantly to the fulfillment of the political mission of the district.

Continuous efforts and perseverance

Since its founding, Ba Dinh District has served as the political and administrative center of the nation, housing the central offices of the Party, the Government, political and social organizations, diplomatic missions, and international organizations.

 The panoramic painting in Truc Bach Ward reflects the development of Hanoi in 70 years. Photo: The Hanoi Times

In order to play its important role, the Party Committee, the Government and the people of Ba Dinh have made continuous efforts to achieve comprehensive development in all economic, cultural and social fields.

In the years after 1975, the economy of the district underwent significant changes, the industrial sector was strengthened and numerous factories resumed production within a short period of time.

At the same time, movements to improve labor productivity and technological innovation were encouraged. Several traditional industries were revived and expanded, attracting labor and producing essential goods for the people and the military.

During the renovation period, especially between 2000 and 2005, Ba Dinh District made remarkable progress on the socio-economic front, laying the foundation for the following years.

Specifically, the non-state production value grew at an average rate of 32.4% per year, far exceeding the set targets; industrial production grew at an average rate of 25.6% per year, 10.6% higher than the plan.

From 2005 to 2010, the overall production value of the district increased by 14% annually, outperforming the target. From 2010 to 2015, Ba Dinh's economy maintained a stable growth rate of 10 to 10.5%  annually.

Between 2015 and 2020, the district's average annual production growth rate was 10.7%, meeting the set target. In 2000, the district's budget revenue reached VND95 billion ($3.8 million); in 2010, it hit VND2.6 trillion ($104 million), and in 2020,   VND7.3 trillion ($292 million). By 2023, the district's revenue had totaled VND6.5 trillion ($260 million), exceeding the projected target by 12%.

During the 2020-2025 term, Ba Dinh has risen to the top of the city's emulation group, ensuring the progress of seven major programs and 138 goals set for the term, many of which have been met or exceeded, said Ta Nam Chien, Deputy Secretary of the Ba Dinh District Party Committee and Chairman of the Ba Dinh People's Committee.

The district has achieved three major goals for the term, which are to eradicate poverty, lead the city in administrative reform, and excel in education and training, he said, adding that Ba Dinh has also promoted cultural industries by taking advantage of its cultural heritage and scenic spots.

Through 70 years of development alongside the capital and 63 years as an established district, these achievements serve as the motivation and foundation for the Ba Dinh Party Committee, the Government and the people to continue to uphold the traditions of the heroic district and strive to build a more prosperous, civilized and modern district worthy of being the "heart" of the heroic capital.