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EuroCham Covid-19 donation campaign raises over $150,000

A webinar targeting Europe-based companies will be held on September 7 to attract more high-level donors to the campaign.

The ‘Breathe Again’ campaign of the European Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham) has received donation commitments of more than US$150,000 from European enterprises and individuals.

 Three ventilators and two patient monitors arrived at Becamex Hospital in Binh Duong Province. Photo: EuroCham

The initiative was launched on August 17 to raise funds for purchasing essential medical equipment for Vietnam’s hard-pressed hospitals. The campaign aims to secure more significant donations in the coming weeks, and EuroCham hopes to raise an ambitious amount of US$500,000 to make a real difference to Vietnam’s fight against the pandemic. 


EuroCham is working with suppliers in Vietnam to procure more medical equipment as soon as possible to ensure that the cash donated reaches frontline healthcare workers and their patients where it is needed most. The chamber is in regular contact with local hospitals to find out what kit is in greatest demand, and will then talk to medical device companies to source, deliver, and install it.


EuroCham Chairman Alain Cany said the pandemic is affecting more and more communities as cases continue to rise and tragic deaths increase. The situation is urgent and the need is pressing, despite the best efforts of the authorities and the Vietnamese people. 

“That means we need to redouble our efforts,” he underlined.


“Therefore, I encourage more companies and individuals to dig deep and contribute whatever they can afford. No amount is too little. Even small donations can make a big difference if we all join together. However, I am confident that we will soon secure even more impressive contributions from European companies who want to stand beside Vietnam during this fourth wave outbreak.”

Over 30 European companies have made generous donations to the fund so far, totaling more than US$120,000, including BNP Paribas, Friesland Campina, DeHeus, BASF, Piaggio, and AppleTree. Individual donors have contributed almost US$30,000.

A ventilator has been delivered to Nguyen Tri Phuong Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, while another three ventilators and two patient monitors have arrived at Becamex Hospital in Binh Duong Province thanks to generous donations from Jardine Matheson, EZ Land, Bio, the Belgian Ambassador to Vietnam Paul Jansen; and Gricha Safarian - Honorary Consul of Belgium in HCMC.

Companies or individuals wishing to make a donation to the ‘Breathe Again’ campaign can visit: www.breatheagain.fund or email breathe.again.fund@eurochamvn.org.

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