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Hanoi encourages socio-economic development plan

According to Document 2403/UBND-KT, Hanoi People’s Committee requested city’s agencies, departments and sectors to report implementation of socio-economic development plan in the first six months of 2017.

In order to prepare report on implementation of socio-economic development plan in the first six months and key tasks in the next months of 2017 for upcoming session of Hanoi People’s Council, the People’s Committee requests agencies, departments and sectors to report implementation of their tasks in domain of socio-economic development and national defense in the first two quarters, and orientation as well as key tasks for the next months. 

The agencies, departments and sectors shall make reports according to targets and missions decided by Hanoi People’s Council in Resolution 10/NQ-HDND dated December 5, 2016 and missions assigned by Hanoi People’s Committee in Program 43/CTr-UBND dated February 24, 2017 on key measures and missions to direct implementation of socio-economic development plan and state budget estimates plan in 2017.

Report focuses on following issues: leadership and instruction, advantages and disadvantages, implementation of the plan, significant progress, shortcomings and causes, forecast of development trend, missions and measures for the next six months of 2017. The report must be exact with full data, comparison to the same period last year and comparison to 2017 plan.

The Hanoi Statistics Office provides data and targets for assessing implementation of socio-economic development plan in the first and second quarter of the year, such as GRPD, IIP, production value of agriculture, development investment capital, export and import, total sales, total retail, number of tourists and CPI, and compares them to the same period last year. The report shall be submitted to the Authority of Plan and Investment by June 1, 2017, so that the latter sums up information and reports to Hanoi People’s Committee.
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