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Hanoi exhibition promotes architectural value of Duong Lam Ancient Village

The exhibition "Community No.01" presents the cultural and architectural treasures of Duong Lam Ancient Village.

An installation exhibition has opened to visitors and art lovers in the famous ancient Duong Lam Ancient VillageSon Tay Town, on the outskirts of Hanoi.

The exhibition space of Community No. 01 at Duong Lam Ancient Village in Hanoi. Photo by courtesy of architect Oopatham Ratanasupa

Dozens of valuable documents, sketches and structures of Duong Lam Ancient Village, and many Vietnamese old house architectures, diligently collected by Thai architect Oopatham Ratanasupa for 13 years, are now on display at the village. 

The opening ceremony of the exhibition was held on October 15 with a program called "Sketching Exchange of Duong Lam Ancient Village", which was organized by Urban Sketchers Vietnam, Urban Sketchers Hanoi, Hanoi Watercolor Artists Club and Luly Art Class.

According to Nguyen Dang Thao, Head of the Management Board of Duong Lam Ancient Village Relics, the exhibition aims to provide locals and tourists with interesting perspectives on the architecture of Duong Lam Ancient Village.

"This event partly contributes to raising awareness among local people, especially children, on preserving the traditional values of Duong Lam Ancient Village. Based on this exhibition, there will be more cultural activities, exhibitions, drawing classes, and talk shows introducing heritage in the public spaces of the ancient village in the coming time," he said.

Architect Oopatham Ratanasupa (center) received a Certificate of Merit for his contribution to preserving and promoting the value of the relics of Duong Lam Ancient Village from 2013 to 2023.

On this occasion, the management of Duong Lam Ancient Village Relics also honored Oopatham Ratanasupa - who has been diligently researching and drawing the typical architecture of Duong Lam Ancient Village since 2013.

Known to the public by his Vietnamese nickname "Xe Om" or motorbike rider, the architect first visited Duong Lam Ancient Village in 2013 and has been continuously drawing and sketching the ancient houses here ever since.

The Duong Lam Ancient Village Architectural Project has been carried out by Oopatham since 2013, with an overall map of the village illustrated by photos, sketches and objects to show the unique features of the ancient houses and old structures. Up to now, the architect has amassed a collection, preserving the beauty of Duong Lam in his very original way.

Oopatham Ratanasupa graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris La Villette and worked as an architect in France for nearly 10 years. He is currently an instructor at the Faculty of Architecture of Silpakorn University in Bangkok, Thailand, and a visiting professor at several prestigious universities around the world.

Through the exhibition, the Management Board of Duong Lam Ancient Village Relics wishes to raise the awareness of locals and visitors in preserving, conserving and promoting the value of the thousand-year-old heritage.

Below are some pictures of the "Community No. 01" installation:

  The outdoor space of the installation
 The indoor space of the exhibition
Unique wooden sculpture of Duong Lam ancient architecture.
 The resting place of the exhibition
 Old architectural buildings in Duong Lam Ancient Village still retain the unique artistic features of northern Vietnamese ancient villages.

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