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Hanoians excited with magnificent Caribbean Trumpet bloom

Caribbean trumpet trees bloom profusely around March, drawing a large number of people to take photos.

Caribbean Trumpet trees (Tabebuia aurea) of yellow blossoms excite Hanoians in a spectacular display of color amid partly cloudy weather during the seasonal change between spring and summer.


The Hanoi Times helps you explore the spectacular bloom.

The dry season-deciduous tree makes the scenery magnificent.  

The trumpet-shaped flower, native to South America, appears briefly so it draws many people, mainly young ones, coming to take photos. 

Caribbean Trumpet flowers are making a place in the outskirts of Hanoi one of the most popular flowering areas in recent years as it flowers profusely these days in March. 


It is a popular ornamental tree in subtropical and tropical regions, grown for its spectacular flower display on leafless shoots at the end of spring. 

The most spectacular blooming occurs after a tree has lost all its leaves and its branches are bare. 

It begins blooming when the leaves start to drop and the ephemeral blossom season lasts for around 16 days. 

The flowers are bright yellow, up to 6.5 cm in diameter.  

The spectacular display of yellow beautifies the residential area.  

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