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Hanoi’s air quality index on week days: Mostly at bad levels

Hanoi’s air quality index (AQI) measured at 10 monitoring stations in the city ranged from 45 to 270.

Air quality in Hanoi during the week ended November 16 at many automatic monitoring stations was mostly at the bad level and adversely affected human health, according to the Agency of Environmental Protection (EAP).


Air quality index (AQI) at the monitoring stations. Source: AEP

The agency said that Hanoi’s air quality index (AQI) measured at 10 monitoring stations in the city ranged from 45 to 270. There was only one day (November 14), the AQI was at the good level (green) and at the average level (yellow), accounting for 14.3%.

Monitoring stations such as Trung Yen 3, Kim Lien, Tan Mai, My Dinh and Tay Mo reported that air quality in the week worsened significantly compared to the previous week.

Specifically, the AQI was at the bad and very bad level in four days at Trung Yen 3, My Dinh and Tay Mo stations, accounting for 28.6%. Kim Lien and Tan Mai stations had three days at the bad level, accounting for 42.9%.


Percentage of days with air quality at different levels. Source: AEP

At two traffic monitoring points in Minh Khai and Pham Van Dong wards, which usually sees heavy traffic, in the week, AQI was at the average level in only 14.3% of the week days, and was recorded at a bad level for the rest. The highest readings at Minh Khai and Pham Van Dong stations were 270 and 267, respectively.

It can be seen that air quality and weather conditions during the week are closely related to each other. It was mostly dry, less windy, the large difference in day and night temperature was detrimental to the diffusion of pollutants in the air, leading to AQI was mostly at bad level which adversely affects local residents’ health.

The EAP still recommended that Hanoi’s residents should follow air quality information where they are living and working before going out to prevent diseases.

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