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ILO to support Vietnam to minimize impacts of Covid-19 pandemic

The International Labor Organization (ILO) in Vietnam has called for urgent, large-scale and coordinated measures in three major issues.

The International Labor Organization (ILO) in Vietnam is willing to support the government, employers and workers to fight for decent jobs on the severe global crisis, Kinh Te & Do Thi quoted ILO Vietnam Director Chang-Hee Lee as saying.

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Chang-Hee Lee said Vietnam has done a good job in curbing the Covid-19 pandemic, adding that the pandemic might be far from over and this is the right time to start making moves to buffer negative impacts on businesses, employment and income of the majority of laborers, including those in the informal sector.

The ILO Vietnam on March 19 made public their preliminary evaluation repor title "Covid-19 and the world of work: Impacts and solutions."

According to the report, economic and labor crisis caused by Covid-19 could make another 25 million jobless globally.

However, solutions to this situation will be coordinated efforts international level, including extending social protection, supporting employment retention (for example, short-time work, paid leave, other subsidies), and financial and tax relief, including for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

The ILO has called for urgent, large-scale and coordinated measures across three pillars which are protecting workers in the workplace, stimulating the economy and employment, and supporting jobs and incomes.

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