Israel and Mekong region shake hands in drought management
Sep 10, 2021 / 02:57 PM
They will focus on training, consultations, and exchanges of expertise, mainly on drought management.
The State of Israel and the Mekong River Commission (MRC) on September 9 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of cooperation on water resources development and management.
The signing ceremony between the State of Israel and the Mekong River Commission on Sep, 9th. Photo: Israeli Embassy in Vietnam. |
The MoU provides the framework for a cooperation plan between the two sides on training, consultations, and exchanges of expertise, mainly on drought management.
As relations between Israel and the Mekong basin countries are booming over the last year, Israel wants to share its knowledge and expertise and contribute to finding much-needed solutions to some of the challenges which the Mekong Basin faces, according to the Israeli Embassy in Vietnam.
Speaking at the signing event, Israeli ambassador to Vietnam Nadav Eshcar believes the MoU would contribute to help Mekong countries to enjoy all benefits given by the river, but still - to keep it alive for the generations to come.
“For us, Israelis, finding solutions to save water, use it smartly, manage it, combat drought, was always a matter of survival, no less. We did not have a choice,” he said, noting that unlike in the past, the Israeli expertise acquired over decades is now highly relevant to this region.
For his parts, MRC Secretariat, CEO Dr. An Pich Hatda said they look forward to utilizing the knowledge and expertise of Israel, known as a leading agri-tech country and well-recognized for effective and efficient water resources management and conservation.
“I believe this partnership will make a positive contribution to the future sustainable development and the betterment of water resources management in the Lower Mekong Basin,” said the CEO.
The Mekong River Commission is an inter-governmental organization, which is mandated by its member governments (Viet Nam, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Cambodia) to promote and coordinate the sustainable development of the shared water resources of the Mekong River Basin.
It works to ensure the efficient and mutually beneficial development of the Mekong River Basin while minimizing the potentially harmful effects on the people and the environment in the basin.
The MoU took immediate effect after the signing.