Maintaining peace in South China Sea requires int'l efforts: Vietnamese diplomat
It's necessary to promote the participation of external partners and international organizations in settling the South China Sea issues.
Maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea is not only the interest and responsibility of regional countries but also of the international community, a Vietnamese diplomat has said at an international conference.
Settling South China Sea issues require efforts by all stakeholders regardless of regions, blocs, or organizations as it is for the sake of the whole world, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Le Hoai Trung said at the opening remark of the 11th South China Sea International Conference held in Hanoi on November 6-7.
Vietnamese Deputy Minister Le Hoai Trung. Photo: Baoquocte |
To make global efforts achievable, it should focus on:
(1) Ensuring the effectiveness of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in particular and the rule of law in general. It is true that 1982 UNCLOS does not solve all problems but there are problems that UNCLOS has highlighted. The thing here is how to narrow the gap in interpretation and application of UNCLOS 1982 in practice.
(2) Making the multilateral mechanisms important roles in discussing, finding solutions and promoting cooperation in the region.
While promoting the role of the United Nations, ASEAN’s central role and the effective use of regional cooperation mechanisms should be promoted.
There are many mechanisms of international regional cooperation with the participation of external partners and international organizations. For example, in fisheries cooperation, there is the participation of organizations such as FAO and
(3) Promoting international cooperation to resolve urgent maritime issues, including issues related to differences, sovereignty disputes, sovereignty rights, claims, livelihood for coastal communities, rescue, combating transnational crime, sustainable fisheries development, humane treatment to fishermen, and protecting maritime resources.
Addressing measures that help improve the capacity of law enforcement at sea for coastal countries is additionally important.
Deputy Minister Trung said he believed that the policymakers, scholars, researchers, officials and former officials present at the conference will have a candid, open and objective exchange as years ago to contribute to making the South China Sea a safe intersection connecting the oceans and serving the common interests of all countries.
He hoped this year’s event would continue promoting frank dialogues approaching the South China Sea issue from a broader perspective in connection with other important seas and oceans such as polar regions, the East China Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean.