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March 31: Vietnam finds four new coronavirus cases

Today's new cases are considerably fewer compared to recent days.

Vietnam’s coronavirus cases rose to 207 on March 31 after four people tested positive for the virus, a modest rise in comparison with recent days.

Among the four new cases, one is linked to Bach Mai Hospital in Hanoi and three were found in Ho Chi Minh City, including one Brazilian, according to the Ministry of Health.

 Vietnam is making efforts to slow down the disease spread

The latest cases bring the count in Hanoi to 86 (including 27 cured) and in Ho Chi Minh City to 50 (including 10 cured).

Meanwhile, the number of cases related to Bach Mai Hospital amounts to 34, keeping the hospital the biggest outbreak epicenter in the country.

As of March 31, 56 have recovered and been discharged of hospital. Two patients are expected to be released on April 1 after full recovery. The Covid-19 epidemic has affected 24 cities and provinces nationwide.

According to the National Committee for Search and Rescue of Vietnam (Vinasarcom), there remain 3,215 suspected cases while 81,943 people are under quarantine.

Of the total under quarantine, 31,603 are at military barracks, including 208 foreigners, 3,582 Vietnamese people returning to the country from China, 1,492 from South Korea and Japan, 4,772 from Europe and Australia, 304 from the US, 560 from the UK, and 18,593 from ASEAN countries.

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