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May 1: Vietnam goes through 15 days without new coronavirus cases

Vietnam tops countries for the number of coronavirus tests per confirmed cases.

Vietnam has reported no new cases of local Covid-19 contagion over the past 15 days, keeping the total at 270 as of May 1.

Social distancing orders have been eased after initital control of the pandemic. Photo: Taynguyennews

The latest two new cases are Vietnamese students returning from Japan.

Up to 219 Covid-19 patients have been cured, accounting for 81% of the total infections, according to the National Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control.

Among 51 active cases, three namely Patient No.19, 91, and 161 are in critical condition. Patient No.91 is a British national who works as pilot for Vietnam Airlines.

 Vietnam tops countries for the number of coronavirus tests per confirmed case as of April 30. Source: Ourworldindata

However, so far, nine convalescents have tested positive for the virus again.

As of May 1, the number of people under quarantine hit 47,735, including 272 at hospitals, 12,246 at government centers, and the remaining 35,217 are self-isolating at home and lodging facilities.

In another move, the government has stopped the purchase of drugs for Covid-19 patients in a scenario where infections may rise to 10,000.

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