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Migration and Identity’ exhibition to open at Goethe Institute

The Goethe-Institut Vietnam has unveiled that on February 26 at 6:00 pm it will open an exhibition that addresses the relevant and timely issue of immigration at its facilities located at 56-58 Nguyen-Thai-Hoc-St in Hanoi.

With the number of people emigrating from the Middle East to Europe higher than ever, migration is a highly topical issue particularly in Germany, said the Goethe-Institut in making the announcement.
The exhibition titled Migration and Identity will run through March 13 and show two artistic positions that deal with very personal questions of identity that immigrants face when they encounter unknown traditions in their new home.
Many of them are living with two cultures, raising questions of self- and external-perception again and again: Where do I come from? Where do I belong? How am I seen by others?
The artists Do Tuan Anh, Duong Thuy Duong and Long Thanh were born in Vietnam and have lived in Germany for several years. Their art focuses on questions concerning life in making the transition between two cultures.
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