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Minister of State Ireland wants more Irish green food on Vietnamese dining tables

Delicious Vietnamese and Asian dishes prepared with Irish seafood and pork can conquer any fastidious diners.

The Culinary Demonstration Show introducing the fusion of Vietnamese and Asian dishes prepared from Irish seafood and pork was performed in Hanoi by renowned Hanoi chef Nguyen Manh Hung aka Hungazit on September 7.

The event was attended by Ambassador of Ireland in Vietnam John McCullagh and Minister of State Ireland, Martin Heydon.

The dish of Irish langoustine shrimp sushi is prepared by Chef Hungazit. Photo: Bord Bia

The gastronomic event was organized by the Irish Food Board - Bord Bia in cooperation with Ireland Embassy in Vietnam in Hanoi, aiming to introduce the diversity of varieties and the abundant applications in the cuisine of Irish sustainably produced seafood and pork.

Ambassador of Ireland in Vietnam John McCullagh expressed during the culinary demonstration that he was delighted at being able to find familiar Irish products in Vietnam - a country that is thousands of kilometers away from his homeland.

“Ireland wishes to promote cooperation with Vietnam in terms of food export. With a long tradition of mariculture and swine production under strict EU animal welfare regulations, I hope that Irish ‘green’ and ‘clean’ quality products will emerge more in Vietnam,” he stated.

Minister of State Ireland Martin Heydon stressed that in Ireland’s 10-year strategy for safe food development - the “Food Version 2030”, Vietnam is considered an important food export market

“We wish to bring high-quality food that is produced in strict compliance with regulations on sustainable production to Vietnamese consumers. Hopefully, Irish fresh pork and seafood will be more present on Vietnamese tables," he stated.

Participants in the gastronomic event enjoyed dishes prepared with Irish seafood and pork. Photo: Bord Bia 

Ireland is an island country located in the Atlantic Ocean and is one of the richest fishing grounds in the EU, pioneering in the field of aquaculture.

The country’s favorable geographical position provides a great opportunity to catch many different types of seafood. The globally recognized Irish Seafood industry has exported to more than 70 countries around the world with an annual turnover reaching €600 million.

The value of Irish seafood exports to Vietnam from 2017 to 2021 increased by more than 150%.

Delicious dishes introduced by Chef Hungazit to Hanoi diners include Irish langoustine shrimp sushi; Baked Irish salmon with seaweed and sesame rice crackers; Bao buns with Irish BBQ pork; and Baked Irish pork and apple puree.

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