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Ministry of Health supports Hanoi in rRT-PCR testing

The Ministry of Health has assigned four medical establishments to conduct rRT-PCR test for about 70,000 Hanoi residents who have returned from Danang.

The Ministry of Health (MoH) will support Hanoi in testing people returning from Danang for Covid-19 and ensures there are enough bio-products for the testing, Kinh Te & Do Thi quoted Acting Health Minister Nguyen Thanh Long at a meeting with the municipal People's Committee on August 8.

"In Hanoi, testing is a key solution to controling the pandemic. Only tests can early detect Covid-19 cases, locate and stamp out the outbreaks," Mr. Long said.

He added that since the reappearance of Covid-19, the National Steering Committee on Covid-19 Prevention and Control and the MoH have always identified Hanoi as a high-risk region as nearly 100,000 people returned here from Danang, the epicenter of the pandemic.

"As Danang is an epidemic zone, those who come back from Danang are at a certain risk of Covid-19 infection," the acting minister said, urging Hanoi to quickly take samples and conduct rRT-PCR tests on these people.

 Testing is a key solution in the pandemic controlin Hanoi. Photo: TK

The MoH has assigned four major units in Hanoi to conduct rRT-PCR test for about 70,000 people who returned from Danang from July 15. Bach Mai Hospital, the largest of its kind in Vietnam, will screen 40,000 samples. The Vietnam National Children's Hospital, the Hospital for Tropical Diseases and the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology will work on 10,000 samples each.

Besides the rRT-PCR test, the MoH recommended that Hanoi should take blood samples for testing of all people who had been in Danang from July 7 to 15, estimated at 22,000. The tests will also be done by the MoH.

"In the short term, the rRT-PCR test must be carried out quickly. If Hanoi can collect samples in three days, the MoH will also ensure the testing of all samples in the same period," said the acting minister.

He asked all medical examination and treatment facilities contracted with the social insurance agency for collecting samples or testing to ensure no infection in their own locations.

Currently, Vietnam has about 120 testing establishments nationwide. In the time ahead, about 2,000 establishments are expected to be authorized to test and screen Covid-19 patients.

The MoH is also willing to receive and treat all patients for Hanoi. During this period, the ministry assigned the Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases to undertake the task. If the number of patients increases, the MoH will develop the next scenario to guarantee treatment.

"We must keep the capital city safe," said Acting Minister Nguyen Thanh Long.

According to Vice Chairman of the Hanoi People's Committee Ngo Van Quy, the city's rRT-PCR testing is underway in order of priority: F1, returnees from Danang having Covid-19 symptoms, people traveling through the epidemic areas reported by the MoH, people from Danang who are still in 14 days of incubation period and those who have been in Danang.

Since July 25, Hanoi has recorded six Covid-19 patients, all linked to Danang. The authorities have identified people exposed to the Covid-19 patients and put them under quarantine.

Until August 12, Hanoi is at high risk of coronavirus transmission in the community, thus the city needs to raise the Covid-19 alert to a higher level, everyone has to be vigilant and keep up with preventive measures.

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