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More support to develop craft villages

President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan called for more support to develop Vietnamese craft villages for the sake of the national economy and culture during a workshop held in Hanoi on April 20.

As the end of 2014, the country had over 5,000 craft villages, in which more than 1,700 are accredited, notably the popular Van Phuc silk or Dong Ky wooden villages. 
As many as 38 of 63 provinces nationwide have approved a programme to preserve and develop craft villages. 
According to the Departments of Industry and Trade based in 60 of 63 provinces, there are nearly 2,900 industrial and handicraft villages across the country, about half are from Hanoi and employ nearly 800,000 workers. 
Participants expressed concerns about the sustainable development of craft villages, considering their weak competitiveness and limited access to markets, capital and technological advances. 
Representatives of craft villages proposed to develop the tourism - cultural role of the villages, keeping and promoting the cultural values in the coming time.
Minister of Industry and Trade Vu Huy Hoang stated that it is necessary to unify the management of craft villages to avoid the current dispersion, and have a clear financial mechanisms for village development.

Photo for illustration
Photo for illustration
Speaking at the workshop, President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan said that, the craft villages continue to develop without polluting the environment, besides supporting policies of the State, it needs efforts of villages.
President Nhan also underscored the need to consider expanding the cultural - tourism function of craft villages.
He added that, policies should encourage and create favorable conditions for the sustainable development of craft  villages such as access to credit, reducing procedures, strengthening the mortgage loan, and reducing interest rates, etc. 
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