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Music of the 20th century - Concert No3 to perform online

A series of Music programs from the 20th century present to Hanoian audience the works from authors that have not performed much in Vietnam yet.

Due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the third symphony concert performing renowned pieces of music from 20th and 21st centuries will be broadcast live by Goethe Institut via ZOOM in Hanoi at 7pm on May 24. 

The performance will be broadcast live at https://zoom.us/j/93942880301#success.

The poster of the concert is provided by the Goethe Institut in Hanoi

The concert series features compositions from the 20th and 21st centuries by important world-famous composers, living or deceased, with solo performers and lecturers at the music academy and the School of Inspirito Music. The third program of the concert series ‘20th Century Music’ offers various musical styles and languages from different countries.

Audiences who join the online performance will have a chance to listen to renowned compositions by two big names of the 20th century, Paul Hindemith (Germany) and Igor Stravinsky (Russia). Reminiscence of soviet jazz will be heard through recently deceased Nikolay Kapustin (Russia). Closer to our generation and very active in international music are compositions by Fazil Say (Turkey), Sheila Silver (USA) and a new strong voice of contemporary composition from Vietnam - the artist Pho Duc Hoang.

German composer Paul Hindemith (1895-1963). Photo: Mahlerfoundation.org

The program features Sonata for Viola Solo Op.25 No.1 for Solo Viola by Paul Hindemith (1895-1963); Six Preludes for Piano on Poems of Baudelaire by Sheila Silver (1946); Solar Descension by Pho Duc Hoang; Suite Italienne by Igor Stravinsky (1882 – 1971); and Etude Op.40 No.2 “Reverie” by Nikolai Kapustin (1937 – 2020).

Artists join the performance are including Patcharaphan Khumprakob who graduated piano and viola at the College of Music of Mahidol University in Thailand; Vietnamese artist Phan Do Phuc who graduated the Bachelor at Luther College in 2011 and obtained his Master in 2015; Vietnamese pianists Duong Hong Thach, Pho Duy Phuong and Nguyen DucThuan; and Taiwanese pianist Hsin-Chiao Liao.  

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