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Party chief’s article on path to socialism translated into German

The work is expected to help German readers better understand socialism and the path that Vietnam has firmly chosen.

German professor Guenter Giesenfeld, who is also the Chairman of the Friendship Group with Vietnam (FG Vietnam), said he and his wife have completed translating the article of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on the path to socialism in Vietnam into German.

 German professor Guenter Giesenfeld and his wife. Photo: VNA


The work, as explained by Giesenfeld to the Vietnam News Agency, would help German readers better understand socialism and the path that Vietnam has firmly chosen.


According to the German professor, Trong’s article immediately caught his attention as it explains the reason why Vietnam chose the socialist path and steps to realize this goal in the country.


For Giesenfeld, this article is special given its broad assessment of western countries, the history of Vietnam, the “Doi moi” (Renewal policy), the current economic situation, and information about the Communist Party of Vietnam.


Giesenfeld noted the article not only maps out the missions of the Party and the Government but also gives a detailed explanation on the significance of socialism to Vietnam.


In the past, Giesenfeld said he often translated Vietnamese contemporary literature works into German, and this time, he did not hesitate to put efforts into translating Trong’s article, given its significance.


Giesenfeld added the full text of the German version of this article would be published on the website of the FG Vietnam, as well as in the next edition of the group’s Vietnam Kurier magazine.


Guenter Giesenfeld, born 1938, has been the Chairman of the FG Vietnam for over a decade, he is also a communication scientist and film director. He also serves as editor-in-chief of Vietnam Kurier, a magazine on Vietnam with three issues per year.

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