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Students of certain majors to enjoy tuition reductions

The Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training has issued a circular offering tuition fee reductions for students of many majors, including the traditional arts and useful health research.


Students of certain majors to enjoy tuition reductions 

Under the circular, in the 2014-2015 school year, three groups of student will be exempted from tuition fees, including students at public primary schools.

Those choosing to study at a regular teacher training college, vocational training and private schools, under the state enrollment quota, and those who join the MoET’s standard teacher training courses will also enjoy the exemption.

According to the circular, 11 student groups will be offered tuition fee reductions, including those with revolutionary contributions; children at nursery schools and students whose have lost both parents.

Nursery children and students whose parents are very poor according to the standards set by the government and those who study at ethnic boarding schools are also included on the list, as well as those who belong ethnic minorities. Particularly, students who study Marxism–Leninism and students who specialise in the research study on tuberculosis, psychiatry, the forensic sciences and surgery at public medical training centres will also benefit.

Under the circular, students who study traditional music, classical drama, reform (cải lương), dancing, circular and other useful majors will be offered a reduction of 70% in tuition.

Meanwhile, students with parents who are state employees, with one of them suffering from occupational injuries, will enjoy the cut of 50% in tuition fees.

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