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The consequences of power trips fueled by online fame

Today, we’re exploring a phenomenon that has become increasingly prevalent in the age of social media: the power trip fueled by online fame.

Welcome to this week’s edition of Words on the Street, where we dive into the latest trends and their impact on our lives. 


In an age where social media is the stage, and we’re all potential performers, fame has taken on a new meaning. It’s no longer reserved for movie stars or athletes; anyone with a smartphone can become a sensation overnight. But with this newfound fame comes a dangerous side effect: the intoxication of power. As more people chase online stardom, we're beginning to see the darker consequences of this digital fame – what I like to call the “power trip.”

Lately, it's hard to miss the surge of apologies from micro-influencers on social media. These public figures often find themselves backtracking on inappropriate actions or statements, so much so that it’s becoming routine. What was once shocking is now met with eye rolls and disappointment, leading to a decline in respect for these emerging influencers. This cycle of misconduct and apology not only damages their reputations but also casts a shadow over the content creation field as a whole.

These missteps often stem from a lack of knowledge and awareness. It’s one thing to be uninformed as an ordinary individual, but when you’re a micro-influencer, your influence extends to many others – often young, impressionable followers. This means that you must be aware of the impact your actions can have. The role of a micro-influencer comes with responsibilities, particularly towards the underage audience that looks up to them.

A particularly troubling trend has emerged recently: the creation of fake screenshots of large charitable donations, with fabricated amounts ranging from tens of thousands to millions of times. This deceptive behavior is not only unethical but also sets a terrible example for young people who might be influenced by such actions. These incidents highlight the need for integrity among influencers, who should be role models rather than purveyors of falsehoods.

Take the case of influencers who use their platforms to dictate trends, push boundaries, or even bully others. It’s not uncommon to see someone with a large following flexing their digital muscles, wielding influence in ways that are harmful or self-serving. They might demand free products from small businesses, expect special treatment wherever they go, or use their platform to attack anyone who dares to disagree with them. The power trip is real, and it's damaging.

Of course, many people look at the lives of the famous with envy and have unrealistic fantasies. They are drawn to the attention, the recognition, and the requests for photos. They often see only the glamorous side of the job – beautiful clothes, attractive people, and grand events. But in reality, surviving and thriving in this world is incredibly difficult and requires a long journey.

I have a younger friend who went to the same school as I did, and now she’s risen to the top as an inspirational influencer. She has to be very careful every time she goes out or makes any statements online. After an 8-year journey, she’s gained over 4 million followers across various platforms. There’s no real school in Vietnam that teaches you how to be famous, but watching her journey, I know she had to seek a lot of advice, learn from others, and take additional short courses on handling media issues, advertising law, and partnerships.


But that’s a success story – at least for now. She’s able to make a lot of money and live a happy life. However, for every successful influencer, countless others chase the dream of fame, often at great personal cost. They abandon their current lives in pursuit of recognition, only to find that when they stumble or fail, there’s nothing left to fall back on. This is the harsh reality that has hit many online sensations.


The allure of fame is powerful, but it comes with high risks and significant trade-offs. Many people see only the rewards – glamour, wealth, and admiration – but they often overlook the sacrifices required. The journey to fame can be unforgiving. Those who rush into it without a solid foundation or plan can easily find themselves adrift, with no safety net when things don’t go as expected.


This has happened to more than a few viral sensations. They experience their moment in the spotlight, but when the attention fades, they’re left with little more than memories and missed opportunities. The rewards are great, but so are the risks, and the price of fame can sometimes be far higher than anticipated. The dream of stardom can be intoxicating, but it’s also a gamble, where one wrong step can lead to losing it all.


For those who succeed, like my sibling, the rewards are indeed plentiful – financial stability, public recognition, and a lifestyle many can only dream of. But the path to success is littered with pitfalls, and the climb to the top is often steeper than it appears. Those who make it to the top have usually learned to navigate the complexities of fame, often through hard lessons and careful planning. However, for those who chase fame without considering the potential downsides, the fall can be swift and devastating.

The allure of online fame is powerful, but it’s also a double-edged sword. It can bring opportunities and open doors, but it can also lead to arrogance, entitlement, and ultimately, isolation. As we navigate this digital age, it’s important to stay grounded, to remember that online fame is fleeting, and that true influence comes from integrity, not the number of followers you have.

So, the next time you find yourself caught up in the rush of online validation, take a step back. Reflect on what truly matters – your relationships, your character, your values. Because in the end, the likes and shares won’t matter as much as the person you’ve become.


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