Social Affairs
Three vaccines added to national inoculation campaigns
News from the Ministry of Health, since June, some of the new vaccines will be included the National Expanded Programme on Immunisation for free.
As scheduled, the Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) will be put to use in 2017, while the use of a vaccine against Rota virus will begin in 2018.
According to the ministry, in the context of the high risk of disease outbreak, especially infectious diseases, inoculation campaigns to administer free Japanese encephalitis B injections and the Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) to children aged under five are planned.
Meanwhile, measles and rubella vaccination campaigns benefited nearly 20 million children aged from 1-14, and eventually for those aged from 16-17 in recent times, contributing to containing the spread of the diseases.
The MoH affirmed that the free provision of new vaccines in vaccination programmes is to promote sustainable disease prevention, towards sweeping out dangerous infectious diseases. The MoH said that the free provision of new vaccines is an effort to promote sustainable disease prevention towards wiping out dangerous infectious diseases.