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Vietnam applies South Korean traditional medicine in chronic disease treatment

In recent years, the Institute of Oriental Medicine of South Korea has cooperated with the Vietnamese Traditional Medicine Hospital to carry out joint researches.

The South Korea - Vietnam Center for Traditional Medicine Research was inaugurated on November 29 in Hanoi to research and apply the advantages of the two countries’ traditional medicine in treating chronic diseases and those of the elderly, Vietnam News Agency (VNA) reported.
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The center, under the Institute of Oriental Medicine of South, focuses on studying clinical signs and oriental medicine resources, VNA said.

It is located at Vietnam’s National Traditional Medicine Hospital and will apply Korean technologies to build a traditional medicine management system in Vietnam.

In addition, the center will conduct clinical research and compare disease prevention and treatment methods as well as the traditional medicine in the two nations to apply the best ones in treating chronic diseases and those of the elderly.

In recent years, the Institute of Oriental Medicine of South Korea has cooperated with the Vietnamese Traditional Medicine Hospital to carry out joint researches.

According to Head of the institute, Kim Jong-yeol, after the opening of the joint research center, the two sides will collaborate in doing basic research and applying the institute’s clinical experience in treatment, thus contributing to developing the traditional medicine and bring benefits for both countries.
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