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Vietnam assists Cambodia in communications

Hanoi Times – Vietnam will provide Cambodia with broadcasting equipment and 30 computer sets worth over US$ 1 million for radio stations in Svay Rieng, Mondonkiri, Kompot and Kompong Thom provinces.

Hanoi Times – Vietnam will provide Cambodia with broadcasting equipment and 30 computer sets worth over US$ 1 million for radio stations in Svay Rieng, Mondonkiri, Kompot and Kompong Thom provinces.


The Vietnamese side is completing procedures to hand over the equipment to Cambodia.


On December 18, Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia Nguyen Chien Thang had a working session with Cambodian Information Minister Khieu Kanharrith o­n the project, which was part of agreements o­n communications cooperation between the two countries.


Minister Khieu Kanharrith thanked for the assistance from the Vietnamese Government, which will help Cambodia strengthen its broadcasting system to make citizens well aware of the country’s economic strategy.

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