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Vietnamese Gov’t waives tariff for imported products in Covid-19 fight

Such goods would be treated the same as humanitarian or non-refundable aid.

The Vietnamese Government has decided to waive import tariffs on goods and products in support of the Covid-19 fight.

 Medical equipment imported to support Covid-19 response would be exempted from import tariff. Photo: hcmcpv.org.vn


The move was revealed in resolution No.106/NQ-CP on tax policies for imported products to aid the ongoing efforts against the pandemic.


The resolution noted goods and products imported by individuals or organizations to support the Government, the Ministry of Health (MoH), provinces/cities, or local Vietnam Fatherland Front for such purpose would be entitled to the treatment granted to imported humanitarian or non-refundable aid.


The Government assigned the MoH and local authorities to ensure transparency and publicity in receiving these goods and products to avoid potential acts of policy abuse.


Following requests from the MoH and provinces/cities, in that case, customs authorities are instructed not to collect import tariff or value-added tax accordingly and in compliance with the Law on Value-Added Tax and other regulations.


The resolution has retrospective effects and is applied to goods or products imported for Covid-19 response before its issuance.


In case the import tax amount has already been collected, the customs authorities would proceed with the refund process.


Such treatment would remain effective until the authorities announce the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, noted the resolution.


The Government assigned the MoH to be responsible for medical goods and products imported via donation and aid that meet the requirements for Covid-19 response, while localities are in charge of managing and allocating imported goods to aid their respective efforts against the current outbreak.

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