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Vietnam reaffirms candidacy for UN Human Rights Council

Vietnam is committed to protecting vulnerable groups, combating violence, promoting gender equality, and addressing global issues.

Vietnam has pledged to make efforts for the common work of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) once it’s elected to the body for the 2023-2025 tenure.


 Vietnam's Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son speak at the United Nations Human Rights Council's High-level Segment on March 2. Source: MOFA

“We pledge to make positive contributions to the work of the Council in the spirit of ‘Mutual Respect. Dialogue and Cooperation. Ensuring All Human Rights, for All’,” Vietnam’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son made the statement on March 2 at the High-level Segment of the UNHRC’s 49th Regular Session.


At the most important event of the council in 2022, Son reaffirmed Vietnam’s candidacy for membership of the council whose seat it first held in 2014-2016.


“We stand ready to work closely with other member states and stakeholders to uphold the principles of the UN Charter and international law, and strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of the Human Rights Council through dialogue, cooperation and mutual respect, reported the statement.


He noted that Vietnam will promote the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms in a comprehensive and holistic manner, in all civil, political, economic, social, cultural, and developmental aspects.


Going into more details about the country’s efforts, Son said Vietnam will focus on the protection of vulnerable groups and combating violence and discrimination against them; the promotion of gender equality, especially for women and girls in the era of digital transformation; as well as addressing global issues, especially climate change.


Regarding Covid-19, Vietnam expects to cub Covid-19 and other communicable diseases, at the same time promoting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the right to quality education based on equality of opportunity and universal access.


Vietnam has announced its postulation to the UN Human Rights Council as an ASEAN candidate for the 2023-25 term.


In July 2021, the UNHRC’s 47th Regular Session ratified a resolution on human rights and climate change, which was submitted by Vietnam, on behalf of the Core Group including Bangladesh and the Philippines.


The resolution, with a focus on all persons in vulnerable situations, encourages the continued discussions among states and relevant stakeholders on the possible creation of a new Special Procedure addressing the adverse impact of climate change on the full and effective enjoyment of human rights.

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