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Vietnam should specify circular economy goals: JICA

Vietnam is urged to have a roadmap for the economic model which would be accelerated by the participation of the private sector.

An expert from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has suggested that Vietnam should set specific goals in developing a roadmap for circular economy.


Murooka Naomichi, Senior Representative of JICA Vietnam Office, said at the workshop held on July 6. Photos: JICA 

Murooka Naomichi, Senior Representative of JICA Vietnam Office said at a conference on Japan’s experience and policy recommendations for Vietnam in the Southeast Asian country’s transformation to circular economy (CE).


“It is essential that specific goals and targets should be defined and concrete sectoral focus on transforming linear economy to CE identified with feasible actions/measures,” Naomichi shared at the hybrid workshop held in Hanoi on July 6.


Addressing the event sharing the final outcomes of JICA’s “Survey on Circular Economy (CE) in Vietnam” which started in January 2022, he argued that the transition to CE is a long way to go, therefore, the Government should take a step-by-step approach with a transparent monitoring and evaluation system to encourage the private sector to bring in their innovative business models.


Over the past time, JICA and the Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE) under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) have jointly developed the National Action Plan on Circular Economy (NAPCE).  


According to Naomichi, developing the NAPCE is extremely important for realizing circular economy in Vietnam.


Japan’s experiences in shaping circular economy, particularly the development of its legal framework and policies that promote 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) activities, cooperation between the central government and local governments and the enhancement of partnership with the private sector, will be a helpful reference source for Vietnam to consider key elements of the NAPCE, he noted.


 Overview of the meeting. 

At the workshop, the study team led by Japanese experts presented their study findings along with recommendations for a roadmap implementing CE in Vietnam.


Adachi Ichiro, JICA’s Environmental Management Advisor explained the history of CE policy development and the traditional spirit of “Mottainai” which embraced the concept of CE. Based on the experiences of Japan in developing the CE policy framework, He suggested that a participatory process involving all stakeholders, including the private sector, is necessary for the selection of priority sectors to be included in the action plan.


JICA had been continuously involving in waste management through activities such as promotion of 3R and waste separation at source in Vietnam.


“It is now the high time to elevate our cooperation with MONRE to establish a robust legal foundation and policy directions to enable CE models in Vietnam,” stated Murooka Naomichi.


This survey also aims to provide a bird-eye view of the legislative system and ongoing projects on CE in Vietnam.


Dr. Mai The Toan, Vice President of ISPONRE, stressed that the results of JICA’s survey would be very useful for their upcoming formulation of NAPCE. He expressed his hope that JICA would continue to support MONRE to devise a technical cooperation project on CE focusing on sustainable waste management.


The CE is defined as a systematic solution that can tackle global crises such as climate change, plastic waste, and environmental pollution. To develop a rigorous policy framework for transforming the current linear economy to CE after the new LEP came into effect in January 2022, the Government of Vietnam issued Decree No.08, which promulgates specific regulations on the implementation of CE and formulation of the National Action Plan on CE.

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