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Vietnam targets digital economy to account for 20% of GDP by 2025

Vietnam expects to be among 40 countries with the best Global Innovation Index (GII) ranking and increase share of digital economy to 30% of GDP by 2030.

Vietnam has set a goal of increasing the share of the digital economy in its GDP to 20% by 2025 and the ratio is set to reach 30% by 2030, local media cited the latest resolution of the Politburo of the Communist Party on making use of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

The resolution raises the broadband Internet coverage to 100% (accessible by all communes) from now to 2025.
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By that time, Vietnam will also become one of the three leading ASEAN countries in terms of global innovation index. The country’s digital infrastructure will reach advanced level of ASEAN region.

The performance of the above-mentioned indicators must achieve breakthroughs in the next five years. Accordingly, Vietnam expects to be among 40 countries with the best Global Innovation Index
(GII) ranking, and 5G mobile network will cover the whole country, all people will be able to access broadband Internet with low cost.

The resolution also sets the soon completion of digital government building, the creation a number of smart urban chains in key economic regions, step by step connecting them to the regional and global smart urban network by 2030 and becoming of the leading hubs for startups and innovation in Asia by 2045.

To achieve the goals, the resolution asks agencies to devise a series of guidelines, including design and realization of a national strategy on development of tech companies, giving priority to the development of digital and high-tech businesses.
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