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Vietnam treasures coordination in sustainable Mekong River water use

Vietnam highly appreciates efforts of the relevant countries to coordinate in the sustainable use of the Mekong River’s water resources, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Le Hai Binh made a speech at a regular press conference on April 14.

Spokesman Le Hai Binh valued with regard to China’s continuation of releasing water to the lower Mekong River since April 11. 
Through the diplomatic channel, China said that based on the water volume in the upper course as well as power network security, it released water at 1,200 cubic metres per second from the Jinghong hydropower dam in Yunnan province from April 11 and will keep doing this until April 20. 

Photo for illustration
Photo for illustration
The released water volume from the dam will be increased from April 21 until the end of the dry season, Binh quoted the Chinese side. 
Binh added that relevant nations’ coordination efforts will harmonise their interests as well as the life of civilians in the region. 
The local authorised agencies said, earlier in April, after China and Laos announced the release of water from their hydropower dams to support Vietnam in drought and saltwater intrusion prevention, that water arriving in Vietnam raised the level of the Mekong River. 
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