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Vietnamese students win high prizes at IMSO 2016

​Hanoi Department of Education and Training announced that Vietnam has taken the top spot among 23 participating nations at the 2016 International Mathematics and Science Olympiad for Primary School with seven gold, two silver and three bronze medals in terms of mathematics.

Gold medals wen to Cao Thuy An, Nguyen Khanh Nam, Nguyen Nhat Minh from Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for Gifted Students, GiangKhanh Chi and Ngo Thuy Dang from Archimedes Academy, Pham Viet Hung from Star Hanoi Primary School and Le Duc Minh from Doan Thi Diem Primary School.

This year’s competition held from November 9-13 in Indonesia, drew more than 400 students, including 12 from different schools in Hanoi. Vietnamese students also carried off ten silver and three bronze medals in science.
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