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Social Affairs

Youths to play role of UN diplomats

Wearing suits and ties and acting like young diplomats, students from throughout Vietnam will convene in Hanoi on July 26-27 to participate in model United Nations debates on issues pertaining to globalization.

The event – Vietnamese Youth Model United Nations 2014 – is a student-run Model United Nations Conference staged for students aged from 16 to 24 under the sponsorship of the Centre for Community Empowerment (CECEM) and the US Embassy in Vietnam.
This is considered a great opportunity for local students to learn more about the UN and its work.  As the students will play the role of diplomats representing differing UN member countries it also provides an excellent chance for them to learn more about the views and actions of specific member states.
The event aims to encourage youth to address and discuss political and socio-economic issues and develop a global generation of young people who possess good presentation and negotiation skills.
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