Amended Capital Law urged to provide incentives for talents: Experts
Hanoi should consider adopting policies similar to those in other countries that provide tuition assistance, salaries, and pre-graduation employment commitments to high-potential talents.
During the recent discussions of the draft amended Capital Law, Deputy Nguyen Manh Hung from Cantho emphasized the importance of not only implementing policies to utilize talent but also taking measures to actively search for and identify talent.
Deputy Nguyen Manh Hung during the session. Source: |
Hung stated the critical importance of this content in the current context when commenting on the provisions outlined in Article 17, Chapter II of the draft amended Capital Law, which focuses on attracting, utilizing, and developing high-quality human resources.
He highlighted that effectively implementing these policies is crucial for the capital's robust development. Drawing on the experiences of successful countries and territories such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and, more recently, China, he underscored the significance of relying on talent attraction for breakthroughs and development.
While acknowledging the progress made in the revised draft law, which devotes an entire article (Article 17) to the policy of meritocracy compared to the single sentence in Clause 2, Article 13 of the 2012 Capital Law, Hung, however, expressed concerns about the regulations are not specific, noting that the implementation could be more feasible and effective with further improvements.
Citing research data from 2013 to 2022, the deputy highlighted that Hanoi has only attracted 55 university valedictorians, while Ho Chi Minh City has only managed to attract five talents despite having a talent attraction policy from 2018 to 2022.
Hanoi honors valedictorians from universities and colleges in the city in 2023. Photo: Pham Hung/The Hanoi Times |
To refine the draft law, Hung suggested restructuring the content related to attracting, appreciating talents, and developing high-quality human resources into a separate chapter dedicated to the Capital government.
Moreover, he stressed the need for proactive efforts in searching, discovering, and attracting talent. He suggested adopting policies similar to those in other countries and organizations that provide tuition assistance, salary offers, and pre-graduation hiring commitments to proactively seek and discover talented individuals.
The concept of talent should not be limited to the person with the highest degree but should encompass those who are best suited for the job, achieve optimal results in assigned tasks, possess vision, and demonstrate future development potential.
In this regard, Hung recommended a separate chapter titled "Training, Fostering, Discovering, Attracting, and Appreciating Talents and Developing High-Quality Human Resources." This chapter should encompass Articles 17, 24, and 25 of the draft Law due to their interrelated nature, and focus on nurturing, training, and developing high-quality human resources, including talents.
He also suggested provisions on information and communication policies, mechanisms for early talent spotting, and support for necessary key occupations and fields should be studied and supplemented, among other considerations such as housing support policies and testing policies for experts and scientists.