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Hanoi youths take great pride for military service

Young people follow the path of the older generations to contribute to the glorious history and heroic traditions of the Vietnamese People's Army and the Vietnamese Public Security forces.

Thirty metropolitan and suburban districts in Hanoi today [February 6] held ceremonies to see off 3,500 young people who were called up for military duty. 


All newly-conscripted soldiers were required to go through a medical checkup. Major General Bui Trong Quynh, deputy commander of the Hanoi Capital High Command, said all the young men joining the army this year meet the health and educational requirements.

Military service is compulsory for Vietnamese between the ages of 18 and 25 (expanded to 27 for those who apply for a deferment to pursue higher studies).

Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Tran Sy Thanh attends the farewell ceremony for young soldiers in Dong Anh District.


Attending a ceremony in Dong Anh District, Chairman of the Hanoi People's Committee Tran Sy Thanh presented flowers and encouraged the new draftees.


The Hanoi mayor proposed young people follow the path of the older generations to contribute to the glorious history and heroic traditions of the Vietnamese People's Army and the Vietnamese Public Security forces.


Chairman of the Dong Anh District People's Committee Nguyen Xuan Linh said that in the conscription period of 2023, the district has fulfilled the task of drafting 236 new soldiers.


 Chairman of the Dong Anh District People's Committee Nguyen Xuan Linh speaks a the ceremony.

"Dedicating yourself to national construction and defense is the honor, pride, and responsibility of Vietnamese youth. You temporarily put aside your personal dreams and voluntarily enlist in the army to protect your country. All of you are the pride of your families, the Youth Union, and the city," Linh stressed.


Speaking to The Hanoi Times, young soldier Nguyen Kim Hai (b. 2004, from Co Loa commune, Dong Anh district) said, "I have tried to equip myself with skills to be able to adapt to the highly disciplined environment of the army and will try to study and do my duty to the best of my ability."

Here are some photos taken at the ceremony:

Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Tran Sy Thanh presents flowers to the new draftees.

Newly-recruited soldiers in Dong Anh District pass through the "Glory Gate" and set off to fulfill their obligations to the Fatherland.

New conscripts bid farewell to their families.

Nearly 240 newly-recruited soldiers attend the ceremony in Dong Anh District.

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