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Vietnam to train 1,000 digital transformation specialists by 2025

A Ministry of Information and Communications project highlights a number of important tasks such as training in digital technologies, digital economy and digital society.

The Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) has set the target that Vietnam will have 1,000 digital transformation experts nationwide by 2025, Kinh te & Do thi reported.

The proposal is part of the MIC’s project "Raising awareness, training skills and developing human resources for national digital transformation until 2025, with the orientation to 2030.”

 Vietnam will train 1,000 digital transformation experts. Photo: Kinhtedothi.vn

Accordingly, 15,000 staff in state agencies will be trained in short-term courses on digital transformation by 2030; 100% of provinces and cities will build digital transformation networks to commune level; 10,000 high-quality engineers and bachelors will be trained on digital technology, digital economy and digital society, among others.

The project also highlights a number of important tasks such as training in digital technologies, digital economy and digital society.

Specifically, Vietnam will open new majors and increase the quotas for training engineers, bachelor's degree holders on:

- Digital technology including artificial intelligence, cloud computing, internet of things, new generation network technology, automation, smart robot, data science, among others.

- Digital technology application techniques with the focus on renovating programs, increasing modules and credits on digital skills, using information technology and applying digital technology.

- Digital economy including digital management, digital business, digital transactions, digital finance, digital banking, online services, digital data analysis, among others. Besides, it is necessary to focus on renovating programs, adding modules and credits on digital skills, using information technology and applying digital business.

- Digital society: digital social management, digital media, renovating programs, increasing modules and credits on digital skills, using information technology and applying digital society.

To ensure the objectives and tasks, the project contemplates three groups of solutions:

- The first is aimed at perfecting mechanisms and policies to attract human resources for digital transformation and technology.

- The second will focus on supporting training activities, developing digital transformation human resources, including solutions to enhancing capacity, research and technology in the field of digital transformation.

- The third deals with financial mechanisms and funding for the project, which delineates the responsibilities of the state and local agencies, organizations and enterprises in allocating funds for implementing the project.

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