The statistics from the FIA have revealed that they invested in some 108 new investment projects abroad this year with a capital investment of over US$1.04 billion.
In addition, 14 projects increased their capital investment by US$564 million, bringing the total newly registered and supplementary capital to over US$1.6 billion in 28 nations and territories.
Vietnam’s overseas projects mostly focus on Cambodia (accounting for 20.3% of total projects), Myanmar (14.8%), Laos (12%), the US (11.1%) and Singapore (8.3%).
The military-run Viettel group one of the Vietnamese businesses pouring huge investment overseas and is set to invest US$1 billion in 3G network in Tazania and some US$800 million in Myanmar.
The FIA said around US$1 billion of capital investment abroad have been disbursed this year.