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Vietnamese workers to have four days off for National Day 2023

As Vietnam National Day (September 2) falls on a weekend this year, employees are entitled to four consecutive days off from September 1 to September 4.

According to the provisions of the Vietnamese Labor Law, this holiday will include two national holidays (falling on Friday and Saturday), one weekend day (Sunday), and one substitute day (Monday of the following week).

Hanoi is decorated with national flags, banners, and slogans to celebrate Vietnam's most important anniversary: National Day (September 2). Photo: Duy Khanh/The Hanoi Times

Agencies and companies that work on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) are allowed to determine the holiday for their employees based on their work schedules.

Employees who are not civil servants, or public employees, can choose their days off on the National Day holiday in 2023. They are entitled to be off work on Saturday, September 2, and can choose to take a day off on either Friday, September 1 or Sunday, September 3.

Foreign employees in Vietnam are entitled to the scheduled national holidays and a national day of their home country.

National Day is the last major holiday of the year. In Vietnam, local and foreign workers are entitled to several days off for New Year, Lunar New Year, the anniversary of the death of Hung Kings, Reunification Day, and International Workers' Day.

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