Vietnam urges UN agencies to conduct fair and transparent reviews
UN agencies' Universal Periodic Review cycle 4 is "extremely disappointing".
UN agencies' Universal Periodic Review cycle 4 is "extremely disappointing".
The contest aims to showcase the beauties of Vietnam to the world, confirming the nation as a peaceful, worthwhile place with full of human rights.
Vietnam rose to 65th place in the UN's World Happiness Report 2023.
Vietnam has made outstanding progress in improving the lives of its citizens.
Find out the latest news about Vietnam and Hanoi on The Hanoi Times.
Vietnam rejects the US listing the country as a country of concern for religious freedom issues.
On the occasion of Human Rights Day, which falls on December 10, the Fourth Cycle of Universal Periodic Review (UPR) was launched in Hanoi, aiming to improve the human rights situation on the ground through nationally owned processes.
This would contribute to the formation of the ASEAN Community that puts the people at its core.
Hanoi said freedom of expression in Vietnam is demonstrated through the media diversity and the high rate of netizens.
The annual regional forum has urged a renewed commitment from business and governments to accelerate progress towards the achievement of the global development goals.