Finding ways to make Hanoi pho, a global dish
The recognition of Hanoi pho as a national intangible cultural heritage is a turning point to promote traditional values and open the door to the world culinary map.
The recognition of Hanoi pho as a national intangible cultural heritage is a turning point to promote traditional values and open the door to the world culinary map.
Smart robots can prepare and serve bowls of pho, offering a brand-new and contemporary pho dining experience.
Through a series of engaging activities, the Hanoi Food Culture Festival 2024 promotes Hanoi pho, an intangible cultural heritage.
Hanoi pho has been officially listed as a National Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2024.
Pho Hanoi, now a National Intangible Cultural Heritage, will be the centerpiece of a year-end festival celebrating its timeless inheritance and cultural significance.
Read the latest news of the country from The Hanoi Times.
The digital world honors one of the most outstanding Vietnamese dishes - "Pho" or hot noodle soup with beef.
Besides pho and egg coffee that have already made international headlines, what are the other dishes you must try when in Hanoi?