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May 26, 2024 / 12:35

Spreading Vietnamese culture in Cambodia

Vietnam Cultural Week in Cambodia showcases the unique and diverse culture of the Vietnamese people to the public and strengthens ties between the two neighboring countries.

A unique arts program featuring performances from different regions of Vietnam delighted audiences in the capital Phnom Penh and Banteay Meanchey province in the northwest of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

 The art performance was part of the drive to strengthen the friendship between Vietnam and Cambodia. Photos: VNA

The program is part of Vietnam Cultural Week in Cambodia, which runs through May 25.

The annual cultural and artistic exchange event is jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam and the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Cambodia on a rotating basis.

According to Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Ta Quang Dong, Vietnam and Cambodia have been cooperating closely in many fields in recent years, especially in culture.

He also hoped that in the coming time, there would be more highlights to further promote relations between the two countries in the fields of culture, sports and tourism.

A performance that celebrates the great friendship between the two countries.

According to Phoeurng Sackona, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Cambodia, cultural and artistic exchanges between Vietnam and Cambodia have developed well in keeping with the traditional bilateral relations.

Recently, Vietnam has supported Cambodia's drive to have many of its cultural heritage sites inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List. The Minister hopes for Vietnam's continued support in this effort, especially in Cambodia's application for the Toul Sleng Genocide Museum (S21), Choeung Ek Killing Fields, M-13 Prison, and others.

The art program was performed by the Viet Bac Folk Music and Dance Theater, with renditions of traditional musical instruments, dance, and folk songs, as well as sweet melodies praising the traditional friendship between Vietnam and Cambodia.

The art performance featured traditional dance and musical compositions, some of which have already recognized by UNESCO as cultural heritages of humanity.
 The performance helps to strengthen the ties between the two neighbors.
 Cultural activities contribute to fostering friendship and mutual understanding between the people of the two countries.