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Vietnam joins UNESCO Science Ministers Meeting

Hanoi Times - Science and technology play a key role in Vietnam’s construction and defence and they are the foundation for the nation’s industrialisation, modernisation and rapid sustainable development, a Vietnamese diplomat told participants at a UNESCO round table meeting.

Hanoi Times - Science and technology play a key role in Vietnam’s construction and defence and they are the foundation for the nation’s industrialisation, modernisation and rapid sustainable development, a Vietnamese diplomat told participants at a UNESCO round table meeting.

During the two-day UNESCO Round Table of Ministers of Science for Sustainable Development that concluded in Paris o­n October 27, Vietnam, represented by Ambassador Van Nghia Dung, also proposed the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) support a scientific and technological cooperation project to serve sustainable development in the Mekong region.

The project seeks solutions to water resource conflicts between Mekong River countries, supports research and expert exchange in sustainable development and promotes stronger relationships between scientists, business people and industry.

At the meeting, international science ministers adopted a communique “Harnessing Science and Technology for Sustainable Development through Partnerships within UNESCO Programmes”.

The round table meeting also focused o­n the role of science and technology in development and emerging and inherited challenges. In addition, it looked at ways to harness international cooperation for innovative policies in science and technology management and guidelines for UNESCO’s activities in science and technology during 2008-2013.

The meeting, which took place during the 34th session of UNESCO’s General Conference from October 16-November 3, drew more than 60 ministers of science.


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