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Nov 07, 2015 / 13:14

Education and training reform for human resource development

On November 5, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung chaired a plenary session of the National Committee for education and training reform and the National Council for Education and Human Resources Development for the period 2011-2015.

Attending the meeting, there also were Mr. Dinh The Huynh, head of the Central Propaganda Department, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam, leaders of some ministries and other experts in the field of education, development human resource.
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung made speech at the meeting
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung made speech at the meeting
The meeting was focused on reviewing and discussing 5 main topics of the implementation and the results achieved in the implementation of Resolution No. 29-NQ / TW of the Party Central Executive Board XI on basic innovation and comprehensive education and training; the national education system; implementation of innovative programs and textbooks of general education; competition organization National High School in 2015; national qualifications framework.

Education has experienced positive development

Speaking concluded the meeting, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, Chairman of the National Committee of educational and training
reform and national chairman of the board of education and human resource development, the term 2011 - 2015 emphasized: After 2 years of implementing Resolution No. 29-NQ / TW of the Party Central Executive Board XI on fundamental innovation, comprehensive education and training, education has seen positive developments, especially the achievements in education innovation of educational levels and training levels; performance, innovation, testing, evaluation towards capacity development of students; innovation in education and training management; development of teachers and education managers; innovative financial mechanisms and strengthening facilities for education, etc.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung stated that common sense is to implement more effectively the Resolution No. 29 on the renewal of basic, comprehensive teacher education - training, working one significant decision, by education - training is the human element, the training and development of human resources, are factors that play a decisive role in improving productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the economy.

About Innovation program and textbook information, the Prime Minister emphasized that first of all, to build, to identify the program, then having textbooks. But here are two inseparable elements that have always inextricably linked, organic together, so, ministries and agencies continue to coordinate closely in order to effectively implement the renovation program and textbooks, ensuring consistent, realistic and true that the policy of the Central Committee has identified the education reform and training.

Concerning to high school
examination and national entrance of 2015, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung assigned the Ministry of Education and Training to build assessment report in specific and strict way, organized a conference to summarize to continue make good national high school exams and university entrance, formal college of 2016. "It all market demand, listen to opinions of local people, of schools, particular recruitment and development, issue local autonomy of the school to the overall assessment of the positive aspects and limitations associated with the corrective measures and from reviewing the practice, what good did it do better, what remains limited, weak against the objectives and requirements set out, they must strive to overcome, tried to amend, supplement, propose the best solution, the most effective for the country's high school examinations in 2016," Prime Minister emphasized.