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Sep 05, 2015 / 15:18

Hanoi Party leader attends the new academic year start of Hanoi-Amsterdam high school

In the morning of September 5, more than 2,800 students the Hanoi - Amsterdam gifted high school participated in the opening ceremony of the new academic year 2015-16. Hanoi Party Secretary Pham Quang Nghi attended the event.

Hanoi Party Secretary Pham Quang Nghi beats drums to start new academic year 2015-16 at the Hanoi - Amsterdam high school.
With a lot of high achievements at the national and international competitions, the Hanoi-Amsterdam gifted high school has been the flagship of the municipal education in the past 30 years.
In the academic year 2014-15, students of the school won 33 international awards and 85 national awards.
Speaking at the event, Party Secretary Pham Quang Nghi praised the achievements of the school's teachers and students, contributing significantly to the cause and common achievements of the capital's education.

The Party Secretary expressed his hope that the school will continues to promote the tradition of good training and learning to became the municipal leading center in training high-quality human resources in the coming time.