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Nov 22, 2017 / 17:11

Hanoi to tighten control over veterinary medicine trade and use

The Hanoi People’s Committee has recently issued Directive No. 20/CT-UBND dated November 16 on increasing management of veterinary medicine trade and use.


Under the Directive, People’s Committees of districts, suburban districts and towns shall increase their leadership, conduct inspection and assess veterinary medicine trade and production facilities, animal husbandry facilities and slaughterhouses. They shall also cooperate with relevant agencies, sectors and units to organize inspection missions, conduct regular and unscheduled inspections in veterinary medicine trade and production facilities and slaughterhouses, and collect samples for quality testing.   

During the inspection and examination process, if the authorities detect any production, trade and use of prohibited veterinary medicine, low-quality and fake veterinary medicine, especially the use of sedative for cattle before slaughter, they must strictly punish the violations according to the law.

When detecting the use of sedatives, authorities will suspend the business, withdraw business registration certificate, withdraw license and practicing certificate, and apply punishment for the administrative violations according to the law. Names of the violators and their products will be publicized on mass media.

Information work, popularization and guidance for relevant organizations and individuals shall be increased, focusing on legal regulations on the production, trade and use of veterinary medicine, risk and harm of using and trading veterinary medicine with improper purposes, especially the harm of using sedatives.

The Hanoi Department of Agriculture and Rural Development shall direct subordinate units to increase examination and assess veterinary medicine trade and production facilities, animal husbandry facilities and slaughterhouses. It shall direct Department of Animal Health to provide a guide through animal husbandry and disease prevention process, and emphasize the use of licensed medicine in proper time.

The Department shall encourage breeders and slaughterers to strictly comply with regulation on anti-biotic use, and not to use sedatives for animals before slaughter. They also strictly realize the slaughter control process, thus detecting and handling violations according to the regulation.

A hotline shall be maintained to receive reports of violations. Slaughterhouses sign commitment, pledging not to use sedatives for pigs before slaughtering. List of the slaughterhouses which sign the commitment will be publicized.

According to their function and mission, city’s agencies and sectors cooperate with the People’s Committees of districts, suburban districts and towns to conduct inspection, detect infractions and strictly punish violators, in particular those who use sedative for animals before slaughtering. Information work is increased on mass media, focusing on infraction in slaughter, production and trade of veterinary medicine.