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May 01, 2024 / 21:40

Russia airs documentary on aerospace cooperation with Vietnam

The Vietnamese army officer underscored the Soviet Union’s assistance to Vietnam in wartime and collaboration in the aerospace industry between Russia and Vietnam.

TV channel Russia-24 on April 29 broadcast a documentary about the nation's international aerospace cooperation, which includes Vietnam. 

 Lieut. General Pham Tuan, Vietnam's first astronaut, appears in the film. Screenshot: VNA

The 30-minute film, by renowned Russian television journalist Aleksandr Rogatkin, features exclusive interviews with Pham Tuan, Vietnam's first astronaut, and other countries' astronauts.

Throughout the film, Tuan reminisced about his selection and training during the Intercosmos cooperation program, which took place between Vietnam and the Soviet Union more than 40 years ago.

He talked about his emotions, especially the feeling of seeing his home country from space during his weightless flight.

As per the film, the Vietnamese astronaut's recollections still retain all these sentiments of pride, sacredness, and significance.

Tuan was grateful for the Soviet Union’s assistance to Vietnam in wartime and the two nations’ close collaboration during peacetime, particularly in the aerospace industry.

He claimed that during the war, the Soviet Union supported Vietnam on land, at sea, and in the air and that during peacetime, they flew into space alongside Vietnam, illustrating the close friendship and solidarity that still exists between the peoples of the two nations in the modern era.