Vivid yellow flowers brighten spring in Hanoi
The flowers have made some of the places on the outskirts of Hanoi more photogenic in the last few years, as they bloom profusely.
Yellow-flowered Tabebuia aurea delights Hanoians in a lush display of color amid the overcast weather of late spring.
The plant, or Caribbean trumpet ("Phong Linh" in Vietnamese), blossoms spectacularly from late February to May, enriching the capital's natural landscape in late spring and early summer.
People can enjoy the romantically beautiful Caribbean trumpet flowers along the streets of Le Trong Tan, the residential areas of Park City Hanoi and Duong Noi in Ha Dong District, the area around Big C in Long Bien District, and have their photos taken with the bright yellow flowers.
Hanoi's flower lovers look forward to seeing the Caribbean trumpet flower in full bloom with its magnificent yellow color. |
Its trumpet-shaped flowers have made some places on the outskirts of Hanoi the most photogenic in recent years, as it blooms profusely. |
It is a famous ornamental tree in subtropical and tropical regions that is grown for its spectacular display of flowers on leafless buds in the late spring.
The flowers are bright yellow and up to 6.5 cm in diameter. Because of their magnificent beauty, many people thought they were artificial. |
The poetic street is shining with yellow color. Hundreds of wind chimes in Park City Urban Area in Ha Dong District are blooming brilliantly, showing their colors in the spring weather. |
The spectacular display of yellow adds beauty to the residential area.