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Nov 09, 2014 / 23:43

Eating apples can decrease the risk of heart disease

A seven-year-study on more than 500,000 people has concluded that eating fruit everyday can decrease the risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) up to 40%.

Dr.Du Huaidong from Oxford university in UK presented the study in European Society of Cardiology congress (ESC) held earlier this week in Barcelona.

The majority of those who joined the project of a chronic disease research in China named "China Kadoorie Biobank" come from 10 regions of the country. The total number of volunteers was up to 451.681 ones, they all have no history of cardiovascular diseases and do not have to treat hypertension.

The habit of eating fruit of volunteers was recorded and classified into following groups: never eating fruit, eating fruit every month, eating fruit once to three days a week, eating fruit four to six days a week and eating fruit everyday.

Approximately 18% of those who participated in the research are in a habit of eating fruit everyday (about 150 g) and 6,3% of those who never eat fruit.
The result of the study showed, the risk of heart disease decreased from 25%-40% for those who eat fruit everyday. Simultaneously, according to the research, eating fruit helps you decrease hypertension.