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Sep 27, 2024 / 21:10

Meeting with Hanoi's historical witnesses

Through the vivid stories of historical witnesses, the young generation is inspired to make positive contributions to building a civilized and prosperous capital.

Hoan Kiem District People's Committee this week hosted a meeting with people who witnessed the Liberation Day of the Capital (October 10, 1954-2024) to review the heroic memories and the glorious historical period of Hanoi through vivid stories. 

The discussion contributes to educating revolutionary traditions among the young generation.

This is also an opportunity for young people to express their gratitude to those who sacrificed for the independence and freedom of the Fatherland and do more to build the nation.

 Cultural experts, veterans, and historical witnesses at the meeting. Photo courtesy of organizer

According to Pham Thanh Hoc, former Deputy Head of the Hanoi Party Committee's Propaganda Department, October 10, 1954, marked a special event for the capital and the whole country, admired by the whole world.

“The Liberation of the Capital left many lessons. First of all, the event of taking over the capital was a process, representing the leading role of the capital in the whole country. Second, it was the endpoint of the resistance war against the French colonialists of the whole country and people. To move towards the event of taking over the capital, we went through a nine-year-long resistance war,” said Hoc.

Facing an enemy with strong forces and modern weapons, Vietnam’s army had a small force and lacked equipment, the Party decided to strategically withdraw from the capital to consolidate forces and wait for the opportunity with the spirit of certain victory and the belief that "one day we will return victorious."

"I think this is a very great lesson from the long-term resistance war of the people and country. With the spirit of aspiration to defend the country, the spirit of fighting the enemy – ‘when the enemy comes, even women fight’ has created a combined strength and a great, glorious victory admired by the world," said Hoc.

At the discussion, journalist Phung Huy Thinh shared about the years when Hanoi students put down their pens and joined the army to fight to protect the Fatherland and the memories of working as war reporters. Looking back on the 70-year journey of building and developing the capital, Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Quang Long, former Director of the Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports, placed his faith in the current young generation who know how to inherit the nation's traditions, have the courage, aspiration, and determination to build the capital to develop more civilized and modern.

Journalist Nguyen Manh Hung, Editor-in-Chief of Tuoi Tre Thu Do Newspaper, delivered the opening speech at the seminar that “70 years ago, Hanoians lived in a heroic atmosphere, welcoming the victorious army back to take over the capital. On October 10, 1954, Hanoi was liberated, becoming a brilliant milestone in the glorious and proud history of Hanoi and the whole country. Today, in the Autumn atmosphere of Hanoi, young people had a chance to listen to experts, culturalists, and historical witnesses recall the heroic memories of the capital,” said Hung.

Hung said the stories of Hanoi and sacrifices of previous generations left people with many emotions; hence young people will be more proud, and more in love with Hanoi, the sacred land, the soul of the country.

Attending the meeting, Nguyen An Huy, a student of Nguyen Thi Minh Khai School, Hanoi said he vowed to devote youthful aspirations to the common aspirations of the entire nation, contributing to building the country to be more decent and beautiful as beloved President Ho Chi Minh always wished.

"The emotional sharing of the speakers in the meeting brought us to relive the memories of the fiery and energetic time and to contemplate each stage of innovation and development of the capital," Huy said.

 Nguyen An Huy expressed his feelings at the meeting. Photo courtesy of organizer